
The Problem with Do it Yourself Online Wills

Access to free or inexpensive products and services on the internet is not a new phenomenon. We all try to remember the old adage that “sometimes you get exactly what you pay for” but when tempted with what looks like a really great deal, we tend to

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The Effect of Rent Concessions and Lease Agreements

Lockdowns, rising infections of COVID-19 and decreased earnings have taken a toll on businesses’ balance sheets. In the short term, consumers have tightened purse strings and enterprises are weathering an economic slowdown. An offshoot of the

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Attorney Spotlight with Tatyana Pishnyak

Tatyana Pishnyak is a member of the firm’s Business and Corporate Law group, focusing on mergers and acquisitions.

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PPP Loans and M&A

Small business owners considering selling their business should be aware of the Procedural Notice No. 5000-20057 (the “Notice”) issued by the Small Business Administration (“SBA”) on October 2, 2020. According to the Notice, prior to selling more

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Digital Assets and Your Estate Plan

The essence of estate planning is the control over how your property passes at death. This principle remains the tried and true guidepost of estate planning. In today's digital world, an estate plan deals less with the boxes of Kodak memories tucked

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EEOC Issues Updated Guidance on Covid-19

The evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to present challenges to employers seeking to keep their employees and customers safe while also remaining in compliance with the law. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) has

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The Dawn of the New NAFTA

July 1, 2020 marks the beginning of a new era of free trade in North America under the United States-Canada-Mexico Agreement ("USMCA").

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Business interruption insurance claims During COVID-19

In dealing with the financial impact of COVID-19, many businesses are looking to their insurance companies for assistance. Commercial insurance policies can cover certain events that cause temporary interruption in the normal course of business,

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Navigating the Warn Act During Covid-19

As employers continue to deal with the ramifications of shutdowns and absences relating to COVID-19, they may consider mitigation strategies in the face of an economic or business downturn. If an employer is considering plant closings or mass

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Important Updates to the SECURE ACT

As indicated in our last newsletter, we are updating you on the enactment of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (the “SECURE Act”) which was enacted on December 20, 2019 and became effective on January 1, 2020.Although

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